After openly coming out in 1954, I have lusted almost daily for the most intense m2m sex that I could find, always cruising for truly masculine men who could give me whatever their sex organs could deliver. I have alwys had the wish to serve and service although willing and able to put my cock into any open hole. As my lustful thoughts gathered momentum over the years, I came weekly tabloid across a weekly Canadian tabloid named Justice Weekly It purported to report and print "news" stories of various misdemenours, either true or possbly invented and the punishment dealt out to the guilty. There were clasified ads from men and women looking to contact readers who might be interested in various kinds of play dealing with performing acts of punshment. Many of these attracted my darkest thoughts and imagination. Responding to some of these ads I was able to discuss and learn more about what amounted to somewhat kinky performances. Invited by one contact to visit him in San francisco I went to meet him. He took me to a very early gay leather & sm bar, leaving me there when he had to return home. Very shortly I was approached by a masculine, macho hunk who tookme back to his place where he spent most of the night working me over while he had me strung up in bondage. The experience had my adrenaline and endorphins flowing, instilling my total addiction to be the recipient of sensual, erotic and painful punishment. Ever since, right yo my age of 86 years, I still lust for indulgence in this kind of rough, manly play.